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Miércoles, 05 Agosto 2009 01:08

"Everything´s not lost", Coldplay. Letra y música de lujo.

Escrito por  Publicado en Pop

Una canción de Chris Martin y su banda, perteneciente al primer disco que grabaron, luego hicieron unos cuantos más y ahora están arriba del todo del pop. Aquí ya apuntaban maneras, ya se veía que eran buenos, muy buenos. Una banda de pop de lujo: Coldplay... y un mensaje necesario: "No todo está perdido", y un exorcismo delicado de los demonios interiores que a todos nos atizan en algún momento u otro. Y recordad: la felicidad no es una estación a la que llegar, sino una forma de viajar.

"EVERYTHING´S NOT LOST", COLDPLAY. En concierto y con la letra subtitulada en español.

When I counted up my demons
Saw there was one for every day
With the good ones on my shoulders
I drove the other ones away

So if you ever feel neglected
And if you think that all is lost
I'll be counting up my demons, yeah
Hoping everything's not lost

When you thought that it was over
You could feel it all around
And everybody's out to get you
Don't you let it drag you down

'Cos if you ever feel neglected
And if you think that all is lost
I'll be counting up my demons, yeah
Hoping everything's not lost

If you ever feel neglected
If you think that all is lost
I'll be counting up my demons, yeah
Hoping everything's not lost

Singing out
Oh, oh, oh, yeah
Oh, oh, yeah
Oh, oh, yeah
Everything's not lost

So come on, yeah
Oh, oh, yeah
Come on, yeah
And everything's not lost

Oh, oh, yeah
Oh, oh, yeah
Oh, oh, yeah
And everything's not lost

Come on, yeah
Oh, oh, yeah
Come on, yeah

Come on, yeah
Oh, oh, yeah
Come on, yeah
And everything's not lost

Sing out, yeah
Oh, oh, yeah
Come on, yeah
And everything's not lost

Come on, yeah
Oh, oh yeah
Sing out, yeah
And everything's not lost